sábado, 8 de diciembre de 2012

Cómo aprendemos la primera lengua



                    Here we have a phonological, grammatical, semantic and pragmatic process.
                    And here are the 4 stages:

                    -Pre-language stage:
                    Babies produce cooing andbabling sounds. With cooing velar consonants such
                    as /K/ ans /g/ 
                    and vowels /i/ and /u/.

                    By 6 months, the child is usually able to produce a number of different vowels         
                    and consonants such as fricatives and nasals.
                    The 1 word/holophrasic stage:
                    Between 12-18 months. Single utterances for everyday objects (milk,cat, cookie..)
                    This single forms are functioning as a phrase or sentence.
                    The 2 word stage:
                  Between 18-20 months. Vocabulary increases to 50/60 distinct words. Expressions
                  of type baby chair, mommy eat, mommy sock. Adult interpretation is tied-to context 
                  of utterance.

                    The telegraphic stage: 
                    Between 2/3 years old. Multiple-word utterances of the type:
                    Andrew want bat/ This shoe all wet/Cat drink milk
                    The child has developed some sentence-building capacity and can order forms 
                    correctly. Grammatical infections appear and simple prepositions.

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